THE POINT Community Development Corporation
THE POINT Community Development Corporation is dedicated to youth
development and the cultural and economic revitalization of the Hunts
Point section of the South Bronx. Celebrating over 20 years of service,
THE POINT offers a multi-faceted approach to asset-based community
development. Its programming falls within three main headings all aimed
at the comprehensive revitalization of the Hunts Point community: Youth
Development, Arts and Culture and Community Development.
Arts & Advocacy Youth Development Program – This central feature
of THE POINT’s services offers after-school and summer programming for
500 young people in grades 1-12. Through justice-based arts and service
learning activities, THE POINT’s youth programs aim to support the
academic, pre-professional and positive social development of young
people and engage them as leaders in sustainable community development.
Specific youth programs include the comprehensive After School Program
(ASP) for youth 1-8th grade, teen community leadership group
A.C.T.I.O.N. (Activists Coming To Inform Our Neighborhood), the peer
education Mind’s Empowered Project aimed at reducing HIV/STI and teen
pregnancy and arts-in-education programs
including the International Center of Photography (ICP) at THE POINT and our social circus program Cirque de Vie.
Arts & Culture – THE POINT’s Arts and Cultural Programs are
dedicated to the cultivation and preservation of South Bronx culture and
making the arts economically and geographically accessible to Hunts
Point residents. Past programs include the multimedia project Mambo to
Hip Hop and the public art project Village of Murals. THE POINT has been
the recipient of ongoing funding by the National Endowment of the Arts
as well as several awards including the NYC Mayor’s Award for Arts and
Culture (2007), a Place Matters Award (2008), the Women’s Caucus For
Art’s President’s Art & Activism Award (2011), and most recently the
Lincoln Center Cultural Innovation Grant (2017).
Community Development – THE POINT uses the lens of environmental
justice, youth development and arts and culture to engage individuals
from Hunts Point in the effort to create a more livable community and
generate economic opportunity. Core projects include THE POINT’s Campus
for Arts and the Environment and initiatives such as the South Bronx
Greenway, the South Bronx Community Resiliency Agenda Lab, and the Free
Hunts Point Wi-fi Project. Our main campus also serves as the home for
small businesses including TATS CRU Mural Company, Bascom Catering and
the Syllable Cooperative.