Sophie Seita

Sophie Seita is a Postdoctoral Junior Research Fellow at Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, finishing a monograph on avant-garde magazine communities from proto-Dada to digital publishing networks. Recent scholarly publications include an article on the editing work of Tom Raworth (in Critical Quarterly), an essay on the politics of the forum in feminist avant-garde magazines after 1980 (forthcoming in JML), and “Thinking the Unprintable in Contemporary Post-Digital Publishing” (in Chicago Review). She is also an artist who works with language on the page, in performance, and in translation. Her performance pieces have recently been presented at the Royal Academy of Arts (London), Bold Tendencies (London), Arnolfini (Bristol), Cité Internationale des Arts (Paris), Parasol Unit (London), La MaMa Galleria (NYC), and Company Gallery (NYC).
