Sebastian Franklin
Sebastian Franklin joined King’s College London in September 2013. Prior to King’s he was a Lecturer in the School of Arts at the University of Surrey, a research fellow in the Cultures of the Digital Economy Institute at Anglia Ruskin University, and a visiting fellow in the Centre for Material Digital Culture at the University of Sussex.
Seb Franklin works on issues relating to the aesthetics and politics of the digital, with a particular focus on the ways in which digitality is represented and critiqued in literature, theory, film, and computational media. His first monograph, titled Control: Digitality as Cultural Logic, is under contract with the MIT Press, and his writing on critical theory, literature, cybernetics, and media has appeared in CTheory, Cultural Politics, Textual Practice, Women’s Studies Quarterly, and World Picture. His research interests include critical theory; contemporary literature; digital media; film theory; histories of science and technology, especially computation and cybernetics.

Control: A Conversation with Patricia Clough, Seb Franklin, and Jasbir Puar