Raphaël Liogier
Raphaël Liogier is a French sociologist and a philosopher. He is a professor at Sciences Po Aix-en-Provence and also teaches in Paris at the International College of Philosophy, founded by Jacques Derrida, and is a visiting scholar at Columbia University, at the Institute for Religion, Culture and Public Life (IRCPL). He has published several books delving into questions of the sacred and the religious within contemporary societies, and on more general questions about the future of human identities in a globalized and connected world. His most important books are, The Myth of Islamisation: Essay on a Collective Obsession (2012), The War of Civilisations will not take Place : Co-existence and Violence in the XXIth Century (2016), Without Jobs: Condition of the Postindustrial Man (2016), and finally Heart of Maleness (2018), to be published in English in January 2020. He is now working on two new books. One called Metaphysics Manifesto (with the French philosopher Dominique Quessada), and the second called After man. Both to be published by the end of the year.