Rachel Valinsky

Rachel Valinsky is a doctoral candidate in Art History at The Graduate Center, City University of New York, where her research centers on 1970s and ’80s performance in New York.  Her writing has appeared in Art in America, Art-Agenda, Artforum, Frieze, BOMB Magazine, Millennium Film Journal, and elsewhere. Translations have been published by Semiotext(e) and Éditions Lutanie, where she is a contributing editor. She was an art writer in residence at the Banff Centre in 2015 and an art critic in residence at CUE Art Foundation and Art21 Magazine in 2016. Rachel has curated exhibitions, performances, and public programs at The Kitchen, The Queens Museum, BAM, Judson Memorial Church, Emily Harvey Foundation, and Knockdown Center. She was 2018-2019 Andrew W. Mellon Curatorial Fellow at the Queens Museum, 2017-2018 Curatorial Fellow at The Kitchen, and 2017-2019 Friday Night Series Co-Curator at the Poetry Project with Mirene Arsanios. She is also co-founder and Artistic Director of Wendy’s Subway, a library, writing space, and independent publisher in Brooklyn, New York. She teaches Art History at Hunter College.
