Rachel Levitsky

Rachel Levitsky is the author of Under the Sun (Futurepoem 2003), NEIGHBOR (UDP 2009) and the forthcoming novel, The Story of My Accident is Ours (Futurepoem 2012). She is also the author of seven chapbooks, most recently a prose work, Renoemos (Delete Press 2010). Levitsky teaches Writing and Literature at Pratt Institute, Naropa University’s Summer Writing Program, Poets House and Bard Prison Initiative. She is a member of Belladonna* Collaborative–a hub of feminist avant-garde literary action: www.belladonnaseries.org. Four of her mini-essays on Confinement can be found online: http://poetryproject.org/tag/rachel-levitsky. With Christian Hawkey and a bunch of their students, she recently opened The Office of Recuperative Strategies, a mobile installation of cultural recollection and reinvigoration, variously located at Universität Leipzig, Pratt Institute and soon, The Woodberry Poetry Room at Harvard.



Naropa at 40

Wed, Nov 5, 2014
1:00 PM – 5:30 PM