Paolo Javier
Paolo Javier is the Program Director at Poets House and served as Queens Borough Poet Laureate from 2010-2014. A featured artist in MoMA PS1’s 2015 Greater NY Show, Paolo is the author of four full-length collections of poetry, including The Feeling Is Actual (2011); 60 lv bo(e)mbs (2005); the time at the end of this writing (2004), recipient of a Small Press Traffic Book of the Year Award; and Court of the Dragon (2015), which Publisher’s Weekly called “a linguistic time machine.” His collaborations with Listening Center (David Mason) appear as a limited edition pamphlet/cassette, Ur’lyeh/Aklopolis (Texte und Töne 2017), and chapbook, Maybe the Sweet Honey Pours (Nion Editions, forthcoming 2018). He is the former poet laureate of Queens, where he lives with his family.

Conversation & Reading
QueensEnglish International 2018 at Queens Museum

Book Launch for Celina Su’s Landia featuring Youmna Chlala, Caroline Crumpacker, Paolo Javier, Cindi Katz, & Alissa Quart