Nathan Hosannah

Dr. Nathan Hosannah is an Assistant Professor at LaGuardia Community College (CUNY) and has been performing regional atmospheric weather/climate research since 2013. After investigating aerosols and their effects on intricate and steadily changing summer storms over NYC, Dr. Hosannah’s desire to explore weather in the Caribbean; simultaneously a place that is on the forefront of global climate change and the region of the world where his parents hail from (Guyana) led him to take on a postdoctoral position at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez after receiving his Ph.D. from the CUNY Graduate Center. There, he investigated (and still investigates) multi-scale impacts on weather and climate in the region. This work led him to extend his analyses to season-long periods, within which Saharan dust intrusion, marine aerosol and smoke created from biomass burning take effect on climate and weather over the region. He has presented his work- related to understanding multi-scale impacts on rainfall in coastal urban environments such as NYC, and tropical environments in the Caribbean at numerous national and international conferences.​
