Nada Elia
Nada Elia teaches Global and Gender Studies at Antioch University – Seattle. A scholar-activist, she is intrigued by the potential of academics to resist and abolish institutionalized oppression from within “the brain of the monster.” Nada is immediate past-president of AMEWS (the Association for Middle East Women’s Studies). She served on the national steering collective of INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence from 2005 to 2009, and co-chaired INCITE’s taskforce on anti-militarism and occupation. Nada is the author of Trances, Dances, and Vociferations: Agency and Resistance in Africana Women’s Narratives.

Gender Violence and the Prison Industrial Complex: Bridging Struggles Transforming Resistance

Mon, Dec 5, 2011
2:00 PM – 8:00 PM