Marie Warsh
Marie Warsh is a historian, writer, and the co-director of the Estate
of Rosemary Mayer. She helped to organize numerous exhibitions of
Mayer’s work and has edited several books, including Excerpts from the
1971 Journal of Rosemary Mayer (2016 & 2020), Temporary Monuments:
Work by Rosemary Mayer, 1977-1982 with Max Warsh(2018), and The Letters
of Bernadette and Rosemary Mayer with Gillian Sneed (2022). From
2005-2022, she worked for the Central Park Conservancy where she was
involved in various aspects of the history, preservation, and
interpretation of Central Park. She has also written widely on the
history of parks, playgrounds, and other landscapes and is the author of
Central Park’s Adventure-Style Playgrounds: Renewal of a Midcentury
Legacy (2019). She has an MA in Landscape Studies from the Bard Graduate
Center and an BA in Art History from Smith College.