Kris Sealey
Kris Sealey is Associate Professor of Philosophy, and
co-director of the Black Studies Program at Fairfield University. Dr.
Sealey graduated from Spelman College in 2001, with a BSc in
Mathematics, and received both her MA and PhD in Philosophy from the
University of Memphis. Since 2011, she has served as the book review
editor of the Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy. She
is also the director of Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institute
(PIKSI), a summer immersion experience at Penn State University for
under-represented undergraduate students with an interest in pursuing a
doctorate in philosophy. Dr. Sealey’s areas of research include critical
philosophy of race, Caribbean philosophy, and postcolonial theory. Her
published articles can be found in Critical Philosophy of Race, Hypatia: A Journal for Feminist Philosophy, Levinas Studies, Research in Phenomenology, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, and Continental Philosophy Review. Her book, Moments of Disruption: Levinas, Sartre and the Question of Transcendence,
was published in December 2013 with SUNY Press. Her current book
project offers creolization as a conceptual tool through which
alternative and more decolonial conceptions of the nation might be