Jeremy Tiang
Jeremy Tiang is a translator, playwright and novelist, originally from Singapore and now based in Queens. His bilingual play Salesman之死 would have been performed at Target Margin this April, but has been postponed due to the pandemic. Past plays include A Dream of Red Pavilions (adapted from the novel by Cao Xueqin; Pan Asian Rep) and The Last Days of Limehouse (Yellow Earth, London). Last November, his translations of new plays by Chao Chi-Yun, Lin Meng-Huan, and Liu Chien-Kuo to mark the legalizing of marriage equality in Taiwan were presented at the Segal Center. Other translations include plays by Chen Si’an, Wei Yu-Chia, Zhan Jie and Quah Sy Ren. He has also translated books by Chan Ho-Kei, Yeng Pway Ngon, Zhang Yueran, Li Er, Yan Ge and Jackie Chan, among others. His novel State of Emergency won the Singapore Literature Prize in 2018.

Translating the Future: “Translating Plays and Playing With Translation” featuring Aya Ogawa and Jeremy Tiang