Jen Chantrtanapichate

Jen Chantrtanapichate
is an artist, climate activist and community organizer from New York
City. She received her Masters in Urban Planning from Hunter College.
She has jumpstarted Sixth Street’s Youth Programs, Teen Programs,
Emergency Food Distribution and Mutual Aid Kitchen Project. On top of
being responsible for the overall success of SSCC’s programs, she leads
the center’s organizing work in climate justice campaigns around energy
democracy, opposition to fossil fuel expansion and coastal resiliency.
In 2015, she founded the grassroots community organization, CNB,
which advocates for environmental justice, particularly in response to
waste inequity and environmental racism in North Brooklyn. She serves on
the board of the BushwickFood Coop and the Fifth Street Farm Project. In her spare time, she fights for climate justice for IBPOC communities with coalitions like Frack Outta Brooklyn (FOBK) and works on campaigns that fall under the ethos of ecosocialism.
