J. Bouey
J. Bouey is a Dance Artist. They received a BFA in Dance from Arizona State University, and J. is a current performer and collaborator with Christal Brown’s INSPIRIT Dance Company and AntonioBrownDance and performs for Germaul Barnes’ Viewsic Dance. J. Bouey is currently a Movement Research Van Lier Emerging Artist of Color Fellow for 2018 and BAX Fall Space Grantee. J. was also a Dancing While Black Fellow for 2017-2018, Gibney WorkUp 4.0 Artists in Residence, and has performed with Elisa Monte Dance as an apprentice from 2015 to 2017. J. has shown their original work at Movement Research at Judson Church, Gibney Dance, BAAD!, CPR – Center for Performance Research as a 2017 Chez Bushwick Artist in Residence, La Mama Experimental Theatre and South Mountain Center for Performing Arts. As a dance instructor at Mind-Builders Creative Arts Center in the Bronx, J. Bouey contributes to making dance easily accessible in underserved and under-represented communities for Black and Brown people. www.jbouey.com

Solidarity Economy in the Performing Arts: What’s Reparations Got to Do With It?