​J. Ashley Foster

J. Ashley Foster became Visiting Assistant Professor of Writing and Fellow in the Writing Program at Haverford College after defending her dissertation Modernism’s Impossible Witness: Peace Testimonies from the Modernist Wars under Distinguished Professor Jane Marcus. Ashley has published work on Virginia Woolf, modernist pacifist networks, and radical artistic and literary responses to the Spanish Civil War.  “Writing in the White Light of Truth” and “Recovering Pacifisms Past,” have appeared in the Woolf Studies Annual and the collected edition Quakers and Literature.  Ashley and her students are the curators of the interactive student digital humanities and special collections exhibition Testimonies in Art & Action: Igniting Pacifism in the Face of Total War, which ran in Haverford College’s Magill Library. Ashley’s work examines the intersections between pacifism, modernism, and war, and recuperates the lost threads of modernism’s pacifist history.



Jane Marcus Feminist University

Fri, Sep 9, 2016
9:30 AM – 8:00 PM