heidi andrea restrepo rhodes
heidi andrea restrepo rhodes is a queer, Latinx poet, artist, scholar, & activist. Her first full-length collection The Inheritance of Haunting (2019) was chosen by Ada Limón for the 2018 Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize for a first book by a Latinx poet, awarded by Letras Latinas, the literary initiative based out of the Institute for Latino Studies at the University of Notre Dame. Her poetry has been published in As/Us, Pank, Raspa, Word Riot, Feminist Studies, Huizache, & Nat.Brut among other places. Currently a doctoral candidate in political theory at the Graduate Center, CUNY; she was raised in California and lives in Brooklyn. Instagram: @vessels.we.are

Conversation & Reading
Life/Signs in the Clamoring Mouth: Memory, Politics, & Poetries of Ghostly Mattering

Thu, Apr 4, 2019
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM