Gilda Posada
Gilda Posada is a Xicana cultural worker from Southeast Los Angeles. Gilda received her AB from UC Davis in Chicana/o Studies and Comparative Literature. She graduated with a dual degree from California College of the Arts in the MFA Social Practice program and the MA Visual and Critical Studies program. Prior to her graduate work, she served as the Curator for Galería de la Raza in San Francisco, CA and Assistant Director for Taller Arte del Nuevo Amanecer in Woodland, CA. Currently, Gilda is a PhD student in History of Art at Cornell. As a practicing artist, Gilda is an active member of the queer Chicanx print collective Espacio Tercero. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, most notably in Xicanx Futurity and the Contemporary Native Art Biennial (BACA). Her work has also been featured in publications such as Art Practical and Third Woman Press Anthology.

Print as Object and Act in Radical and Alternative Publishing