Elaine Chang Sandoval
Public Humanities Fellow
Elaine Chang Sandoval is a PhD candidate in ethnomusicology and a Magnet Fellow at the CUNY Graduate Center. She is recently returned from Fulbright-sponsored fieldwork in Venezuela, where she conducted her dissertation research on the development and pedagogies of Alma Llanera, a program founded to incorporate traditional llanera music within the national Venezuelan system of music education, “El Sistema.” Sandoval received her Masters in music from Oxford University and her BA from Soka University of America (summa cum laude), and was a Sistema Fellow at New England Conservatory. She is currently also an Associate Research Fellow at the Min-On Music Research Institute.

Migrating Venezuelan Music: A Discussion with Public Humanities Fellow Elaine Sandoval

Fri, Apr 20, 2018
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM