Dacia Viejo Rose

Dacia Viejo Rose is currently a British Academy Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge. Her current research looks at cultural violence and violence against culture. Her PhD (2009) from the University of Cambridge focused on the reconstruction of cultural heritage after civil war and its long-term impacts on societies; her first book on the topic is Reconstructing Spain: Cultural Heritage and Memory after Civil War (Sussex Academic Press 2011). She was also a guest editor and contributor for The Culture and Globalization Series, Volume 4.Heritage, Memory and Identity (Sage 2011). From 2009-2011 she was a researcher on the EU funded project Cultural Heritage and the Reconstruction of Identities after Conflict (CRIC – www.cric.arch.cam.ac.uk). She has also been a coordinator of the European Cultural Foundation’s UK National Committee (2003-2005) and worked at UNESCO’s Department of Cultural Policies for Development (2000-2002) in Paris where she managed the Cities for Peace Prize.
