Cori L. Gabbard
Cori L. Gabbard is an adjunct assistant professor at the New York City College of Technology of the City University of New York. Three Guineas, which Cori first read in Jane Marcus’ 2003 seminar “Virginia Woolf for the Twenty-first Century,” serves as the theoretical underpinning of her dissertation, “Modernist Medievalisms and Medieval Modernisms: Auðr the Deep-Minded and Derdriu in Norse, Old Irish, Modernist Irish and Post-1945 Scottish Literature.” Although Cori’s research focuses upon medieval and post-1900 British literature, her teaching interests are broadly eclectic and range from technical writing to global literature. Cori is also a poet; many of her poems are informed by her scholarly interests, while others engage a variety of subjects such as the New York Public Library, Mark Zuckerberg, Russian salad and Anne Yale Hopkins, a seventeenth-century American poet.