Claire Anderson-Wheeler
Claire Anderson-Wheeler (Associate Agent, Regal Hoffmann & Associates) is an associate agent at Regal Hoffmann & Associates LLC, New York. She previously agented at Christine Green Author’s Agency, London, and Anderson Literary Management, New York. She agents adult, young adult, and middle grade fiction, and narrative non-fiction primarily for the adult market. She is currently particularly interested in building the non-fiction side of her list, and on that front is looking for distinctive, well-credentialed biography, quirky historical narratives seen through an unexpected lens; “big picture” science, and distinctive, thoughtful memoir (no travel writing or dating memoirs). In adult fiction, she is looking for anything with big voices and narrative purpose, including speculative fiction. In YA and MG, she is looking particularly towards speculative, fantasy and urban fantasy, but is also a fan of contemporary, issue-driven stories. Regal Hoffmann & Associates was founded in 2002; Claire has been an associate there since 2013. She is Irish and grew up in Ireland, Belgium and Switzerland, although she was born in Washington DC. She holds a law degree from Trinity College, Dublin and a Masters in Creative Writing from the University of East Anglia, UK.