Christopher Schmidt

Christopher Schmidt is an Associate Professor of English at LaGuardia Community College, CUNY. He is the author of a book of poems, The Next in Line and a chapbook, Thermae. His critical study, The Poetics of Waste: Queer Excess in Stein, Ashbery, Schuyler, and Goldsmith is forthcoming from Palgrave Macmillan. His poems, essays, and articles have been published in Tin House, Court Green, Arizona Quarterly, The Village Voice, Time Magazine, and many other venues.

Schmidt’s project, “The Books and Boxes of Andy Warhol: Recycling the Waste of Media Capitalism,” focuses on the aesthetics of waste management in Warhol’s writing and Time Capsules, the latter a boxed collection of ephemera now stored at the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Unexhibited, these Time Capsules function as an intriguing aporia in Warhol’s cultural practice, a testament to archival impulses that lie behind his better known productions.