Chadia Chambers-Samadi
Chadia Chambers-Samadi is an Assistant Professor in French and Francophone Studies at the University of the Bahamas. She completed a Bachelor’s degree in French and in Performance Studies at Stendhal University in the French Alps before moving to England, where she completed an MA in European Comparative Literary Studies at the University of Kent at Canterbury. She then moved to the USA, where she earned an M.Phil and a Ph.D In French at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, where she was Édouard Glissant’s student and a member of his poetry club.
She is the author of Repression des Manifestants Algériens, an interdisciplinary study about the Paris massacre of Algerians on October 17, 1961, published in by L’Harmattan Paris in 2015.
Her recent publications indicate a particular interest in France and in the French-speaking world in North Africa, in the Indian Ocean, and in the Caribbean region (Haiti, Guadeloupe).

***seminar*** & Presentation
Seminar Series on Édouard Glissant at the Graduate Center, CUNY