Bruna Dantas Lobato
Bruna Dantas Lobato is a Brazilian writer and translator based in St. Louis. Her writing has appeared in A Public Space, BOMB, Los Angeles Review of Books, The Common, and elsewhere, and has been recognized with fellowships from Yaddo, A Public Space, NYU, Bennington College, and DISQUIET. Her translations from the Portuguese have appeared in journals such as The Kenyon Review, Harvard Review, and Massachusetts Review. Her translation of Caio Fernando Abreu’s story collection Moldy Strawberries received a 2019 PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grant and is forthcoming from Archipelago Books in 2021.

Translating the Future: “Motherless Tongues, Multiple Belongings I” Mónica de la Torre and Jeffrey Angles, with Bruna Dantas Lobato

Tue, Jun 23, 2020
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM