Anton Vidokle
Anton Vidokle (born in Moscow, lives in New York and Berlin) has exhibited work internationally at venues including Documenta 13, the Venice Biennale, the Lyon Biennial, and Tate Modern. As a founder of e-flux he has produced Do it, Utopia Station poster project, and organized An Image Bank for Everyday Revolutionary Life as well as the Martha Rosler Library. His other works include e-flux video rental and Time/Bank, co-organized with Julieta Aranda, and Unitednationsplaza—a twelve-month experimental school in Berlin as a response to the unrealized Manifesta 6. He is a co-editor of e-flux journal along with Julieta Aranda and Brian Kuan Wood. Recently, Vidokle was a Resident Professor at Home Workspace Program (2013-14), an educational program organized by Ashkal Alwan in Beirut where he initiated the exhibition A Museum of Immortality. Most recently, Vidokle exhibited films in the Montreal Biennale (2084: a science fiction show with Pelin Tan) and at the Shanghai Biennale (This is Cosmos, 2014).
*Anton Vidokle, Film still from This Is Cosmos, 2014.