AnouchK Ibacka Valiente
AnouchK Ibacka Valiente is a 48 year-old Afro-Cuban, of a Congolese father, born in Havana and raised in Europe. They studied International Law, and organize events around trans non-binary themes; multifaceted practices of expression between the artistic, Afrofuturist writings, and spirituality; and empowerment of self-care for minorities. Their work vindicates the hybrid identity of the Diaspora in exile.
AnouchK Ibacka Valiente,afrocubane de 48 anos, de padre congolés nacide en la Habana y crecide en Europa. Estudios de Derecho Internacional; Organisadore de eventos a temática trans no binaria, prácticas de expresión multifacéticas entre lo artístico, escritura afrofuturista y espiritualidad; Empoderamiento de autocuidado para minorías. Reivindicando la identidad híbrida de la Diáspora en el exilio.