Andrew Ford
Andrew Ford is the Ewing Professor of Greek Language and Literature and Professor of Classics at Princeton University. Professor Ford has taught and published widely in Greek poetry and prose from Homer through the classical age. The focus of his research has been the history of literary criticism, especially as this involves questions of reception and social dimensions of literary history.His publications include Homer: The Poetry of the Past (Cornell University Press, 1994) and The Origins of Criticism: Literary Culture and Poetic Theory in Classical Greece (Princeton University Press, 2002), in addition to articles on these aspects of Greek literature, including “Protagoras’ Head” in AJP 115 (1994), awarded the Gildersleeve Prize.

Through Their Words: Poetics, Aesthetics and Literary Theory in the Graeco-Roman World

Fri, Apr 8, 2016
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM