Amara Abdal Figueroa
Amara Abdal Figueroa (1990 Ponce, Puerto Rico) lives between Puerto
Rico and Kuwait. Agroceramist, artist and environmental advocate.
Amara’s practice is regenerative and intergenerational, focusing on our
Earth, how nature reflects culture, and how material extractions
separate or connect us to our current ground by linking the effects of
the ecological collapse to conflict. Her work documents ways in which
materials are sourced, transformed, used and reused, working mainly
with, but not limited to, locally identified clay bodies. She currently
studies the ground in Puerto Rico to filter the island’s water,
Tierrafiltra, continuing Ron Rivera’s legacy (Potters For Peace) in his
island of origin.

Just Strategies: Pathways to Water, Food and Wellness

Fri, Oct 30, 2020
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM