Alyssa Bueno
Fellowship Specialist
Alyssa Bueno is a Biology master’s student at Queens College researching tidal marsh birds, including saltmarsh sparrows, seaside sparrows, and clapper rails with her advisor John Waldman. Her thesis question seeks to answer: “What are the key predictors of tidal marsh birds in New York City?” and “How are factors such as sea level rise, impervious surfaces, human developments, and predation impacting the presence or absence of specialist species?”. At the hub, Alyssa is a Communications Intern where she develops educational outreach materials in addition to building out and coordinating the fellowship. As an Adjunct Lecturer at Baruch College, Alyssa is a passionate educator for the Fundamentals of Ecology course where students master experimental design, ecological principles, and statistical analysis. As a Communications Intern, Alyssa is most excited about expanding the community and fostering increased collaboration among environmental justice advocates.
In her spare time, Alyssa loves birding, hiking, reading, and ecological restoration (invasive species removal). In 2019, Alyssa developed a passion for birds through the Feminist Bird Club and now leads outings and workshops for organizations such as NYC Audubon, Feminist Bird Club, Brooklyn Bird Club, New York Botanical Garden, and NYC Parks. She is a dedicated wildlife photographer based in New York City, specializing in capturing urban birds in their environment. You can find her work @alizurd on Instagram.
Email: [email protected]

NYC Climate Justice Hub
Advancing equitable climate solutions led by communities of color on the front lines of climate breakdown.