Tierralismo Good Earth Film Tour Screening and Conversation: Stories from a Cooperative Farm

Mon, Apr 13, 2015

6:30 PM

Join Puerto Rican, Cuban and NYC-based food activists and urban farmers for a discussion with the director of the recently released Cuban documentary,Tierralismo: Stories from a Cooperative Farm part of the Americas Media Initiative (AMI) Cuba catalogue. A documentary about the history and practices of one of Cuba’s most successful urban farms, the Organoponico Vivero Alamar (Alamar Organic Cooperative), the film is a stirring defense of the importance of farm work, and of sustainable farming practices in the Caribbean. The presentation is part of the Tierralismo Good Earth Film tour organized by AMI, a non-profit organization that works with Cuban filmmakers living in Cuba.

For additional information about the Tierralismo Good Earth Film Tour visit http://americasmediainitiative.org/current

Cosponsored by the Advanced Research Collaborative; Dominican Studies Group; Asociación de Estudiantes Latin@s y Latinoamerican@s/ Latin@ & Latin American Students Association


moving-image Environment