The Woman Card: Feminism and Victorian Studies, Past, Present, and Future
Fri, May 5, 2017
8:45 AM–6:00 PM
Martin E. Segal Theatre

The 2017 Victorian Studies Conference “The Woman Card: Feminism and Victorian Studies, Past, Present and Future”, featuring Keynote speakers Nancy Armstrong (Duke University), and Elaine Showalter (Princeton University) will examine the state of feminist criticism in Victorian studies. We will explore feminist work from its inception in the 1970s, through its landmark critical works, into its current state and future prospects, with particular attention to how our feminist practices vary transatlantically and intersect with queer studies, narrative theory, postcolonialism, and digital humanities. We will be asking how feminist Victorian criticism formed, how it has changed over time, and what we want for its future.
8:45AM – Welcome
Moderator: Olivia Loksing Moy (Lehman College)
9:00-10:30AM – Codifying
Alison Booth (University of Virginia)
“Strategic Typologies and Particular Webs: Digital Studies of Women’s Lives”
Carolyn Oulton (Canterbury Christchurch University)
“‘will it again be published and remain unread[?]”: canonising late Victorian women’s writing”
10:30-10:45AM – Break
10:45-12:15PM – Inventing
Martha Vicinus (University of Michigan)
“Dorothea or Jane? The Dilemmas of Early Feminist Criticism”
Keynote: “Forty Years On”
Elaine Showalter (Princeton University)
12:15 – 2:15 P.M.
2:15-3:45PM – Reading
Jill Ehnenn (Appalachian State University)
“From ‘We Other Victorians’ to ‘Pussy Grabs Back’: Thinking Gender/Thinking Sex in Victorian Studies Today”
Maia McAleavey (Boston College)
“Anti-Individualism and Group Flourishing: Family, School, Ecosystem”
3:45-4:00PM – Break
4:00-5:45PM – Keynote: “Disavowal and Domestic Fiction”
Nancy Armstrong (Duke University)
Respondent: Talia Schaffer (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
For more information about this conference, visit their website here.
Cosponsored by the Victorian Committee of the PhD Program in English, the CUNY Graduate Center, Dickens Studies Annual, he PhD Program in English and Advanced Research Collaborative
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