The Influence of Arab Lands on Textile Arts during the Renaissance

Mon, Mar 21, 2016

6:30 PM–8:30 PM


Before the Renaissance, Arab material goods—including textiles, ceramics, and glass—were more sophisticated than their European counterparts. Beginning in the 11th century, the Crusaders became aware of this region, followed by explorers and tradesmen exchanged both objects and ideas. Over time, Europeans assimilated Arab techniques, motives and aesthetics.

Through research on Palestinian textiles and embroidery, Hanan K. Munayyer surveys the history of material arts in Arab Lands. She will show photos of textiles and embroidery and a couple of costumes from her collection will be in display for closer observation.

Professor Jennifer Ball (Early Christian and Byzantine Art, Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, CUNY) will be the discussant.

This event is presented as part of Mediating the Archive, an interdisciplinary research group that focuses on how archival studies dovetail with the scholarly and artistic legacy of queer activism through visual art, film, digital media, and dance. The group is supported by the Mellon Seminar on Public Engagement and Collaborative Research. For more information or to join, email [email protected].

Cosponsored by the Mediating the Archive Mellon Seminar in Public Engagement and Collaborative Research in the Humanities, The Ph.D. Program in Art History, and The Middle East and Middle East American Center at The Graduate Center, CUNY, and supported in part by Artis Foundation for Contemporary Art.

