Shared Sacred Sites Symposium: Perspectives on Pluralism from the Mediterranean to the United States
Thu, Mar 29, 2018
9:00 AM–5:30 PM
Martin E. Segal Theatre

In conjunction with the Shared Sacred Sites exhibition in the James Gallery, please join us for “Shared Sacred Sites Symposium: Perspectives on Pluralism from the Mediterranean to the United States,” exploring the extensive history of sacred sites shared by members of different beliefs and backgrounds.
This symposium will be livestreamed. Click here to watch the livestream starting at 9:15 am.
9:15am:Opening Remarks
Keith Wilson, The Graduate Center, CUNY and Karen Barkey, University of California, Berkeley
9:30am–12:00pm: Morning Session | Shared Sacred Sites in Comparative Perspective
Introductions by Dionigi Albera & Manoël Pénicaud, CNRS-IDEMEC
Yinon Muallem, Shared Traditions in Music
Glenn Bowman, University of Kent
Aomar Boum, University of California, Los Angeles
Anna Bigelow, North Carolina State University
12:00-1:00pm: Lunch break
1:00pm-3:30pm: Afternoon Session | Contemporary Religious Discourses in America
Introductions by Nancy Foner, City University of New York, Hunter College & Graduate Center
Jonathan Sheehan, UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley
Jon Butler, Yale University
Winnifred Sullivan, Indiana University
David Campbell, Notre Dame University
Co-sponsored by the New York Public Library, the Morgan Library and Museum, and the Graduate Center, CUNY.