I see you. Taking apart, a material exploration and dropping down of sound in it’s presentation or the material around it, and the imaginary of choices and possibilities that persons making, make, when they are making. What’s here now? the selection, unstacking. We are going to describe what we think the materials are and what could be the reason or the necessity for using them. We are going to look at it, and say what we see while we listen to it, and say what happens when it sounds different than it looked or vice versa, or leave this binary altogether. Are they wearing something? Are things folded, ripped or preserved, plastics, scanned? What are these parts together? Why do I feel so uncertain about using words like gender? What do you think, with or without?
This performance interacts with the materials, technology and theoretical underpinnings of varied feminist trajectories in the current exhibition Sexing Sound: Aural Archives and Feminist Scores.