Objects of Study: Methods and Materiality in Theatre and Performance Studies
Thu, May 10, 2018
11:00 AM–8:30 PM
Martin E. Segal Theatre

The multiple potential meanings of “object” within theatre and performance studies point to questions about the relationship between knowledge and materiality. With this conference, we issue a challenge to the common understanding of scholarly work as focused on an “object of study.” We seek to destabilize the terms “object” and “study” to explore how the ways in which we conceive of objects and materiality might influence the framework of our discipline. Are we, as scholars, engaging in acts of objectification? How do the objects also act upon us?
Click here to download the complete conference schedule. If you are interested in attending the day-portion of the conference, please contact the organizers at [email protected].
This student conference is organized by the Doctoral Theatre Students’ Association and will host working groups of emerging scholars during the day, followed by a roundtable with Katherine Behar (Baruch College, CUNY), Maaike Bleeker (Utrecht University, Netherlands), Rebecca Schneider (Brown University), Soyoung Yoon (The New School), and a performance by Larissa Velez Jackson (LVJ Performance Co.)
This day-long conference will culminate in two public events at Martin E. Segal Theatre, The Graduate Center, CUNY (RSVP required).
5:00 – 6:30 pm: Discussion by Katherine Behar, Maaike Bleeker, Rebecca Schneider, Soyoung Yoon
7:30 pm: Performance by Larissa Velez-Jackson (LVJ Performance Co.)
For more information, please visit the official conference website: cuny.is/objects
DTSA Conference Committee: Eylül Fidan Akıncı, Amir Farjoun, Sarah Lucie, Christine Snyder, Cory Tamler.
This event will take place thanks to the generous support of Sidney E. Cohn Chair Distinguished Professor Marvin Carlson, Vera Mowry Roberts Chair Distinguished Professor David Savran, Lucille Lortel Chair Professor Jean Graham-Jones, the Ph.D. Program in Theatre, Martin E. Segal Theatre Center, The Center for the Humanities, and The Doctoral Students’ Council at the Graduate Center, CUNY.
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