The Object Library: Call for Objects!
Fri, May 10, 2019
2:00 PM–8:00 PM
The Object Library

What makes you think? What might make others think? Bring one object—no bigger than your head—that you think might sit well at the center of a seminar.
Donate your object to 365 Things by bringing it to the Object Library on May 10th, 2 to 8pm, and be ready to tell us why you think it makes a good contender as a seminar thing.
Stay and join us for a glass to celebrate in the Object Library from 7 to 8pm.
2-8pm: Object drop-off
5-7pm: The Object Seminar with Jasmine Claude-Narcisse
7-8pm: Reception
The Object Library is located on the ground floor of the Mina Rees Library at the Graduate Center, CUNY. For more information about the Object Library, click here.
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