Narratives of the 99 Percent: Storytelling and Occupy

Thu, Mar 7, 2013

6:00 PM

Telling personal stories can empower storytellers, build community, and move groups to action. In the second year of Occupy Wall Street, how has storytelling moved from the encampments and assemblies to the various campaigns for housing, health care, and debt resistance, among others? What challenges do we face when documenting and archiving people’s personal stories? Join movement organizers from groups in and beyond OWS for a conversation about storytelling as tool for transformation.

Participants include: Kimber Heinz and Ali Issa, Facing Tear Gas ProjectHealth Care Is a Human Right Campaign, Vermont Workers’ CenterHousing Is a Human RightOccupy SandyPhysicians for a National Health Care ProgramA People’s Investigation of Money, Debt and PowerStrike DebtTake Back the Land.
Environment Economics Labor