Inventing Victorian Race

Fri, May 3, 2013

12:00 AM

What did Victorians think about race? Culminating in a keynote by Patrick Brantlinger, author of Dark Vanishings: Discourse on the Extinction of Primitive Races, 1800-1930 (2003), this conference explores the challenges posed to Victorian thought by new and prevailing racial and ethnic variations, as well as the particular literary, political, and cultural configurations that emerged from attempts to think about race throughout nineteenth-century Britain. From Kipling and the colonialist adventure to the scientific invention of racial difference, from George Eliot’s fictional conception of the Jewish “race” to the British invention of the “dark continent,” this event promises to be a fascinating, illuminating exploration of Victorian fears, fantasies, delusions, and myths about race.

Cosponsored by the Office of the President and the PhD program in English.


Race Theory Philosophy