Exhibition Opening: Common Assembly

Wed, Mar 14, 2012

6:00 PM–8:00 PM

Join us for a reception to celebrate the work Common Assembly by Decolonizing Architecture Art Residency, a design group and residency program founded by Eyal Weizman, Sandi Hilal, and Alessandro Petti in Beit Sahour, Palestine. For their first exhibition in New York, Decolonizing Architecture Art Residency will produce a large-scale installation in the James Gallery based their research on the Palestinian Parliament building in Abu-Dis, located on the periphery of Jerusalem. Decolonizing Architecture Art Residency conducts research, collective learning and public meetings, and makes critical design from its research on existing architecture and infrastructure. Their projects articulate the potential of architecture to open an “arena of speculation” that incorporates varied cultural aesthetic and political perspectives. Works, whether in the form of large or small-scale models, video, maps, photographs, interviews, or discussions, have been exhibited at Nottingham Contemporary (2012); Neuchâtel, Switzerland (2011); Red Cat, LA (2010); NGBK, Berlin (2010); the Istanbul Biennale (2009). The group was awarded the Prince Claus Prize for Architecture in 2010.

Moving Image Art Urbanism Public Space