Reality + Fiction: Berlin’s Rimini Protokoll

Mon, Oct 29, 2012

3:00 PM

When people tell their own stories on stage, where are the boundaries of theater, reality, documentary, participation, and fiction? Berlin-based theater group Rimini Protokoll creates participatory and documentary theatre experiences that explore topics such as Egyptian muezzin resisting the consolidation of their profession (Radio Muezzin), Athenians grappling with the Greek economic crisis (Prometheus in AthensAirport Kids). An afternoon screening of recent major works (Wahl Kampf Wallenstein, Prometheus in Athens, the 100% series) will be followed by an evening conversation between the artists of Rimini Protokoll and noted participatory performance scholar Claire Bishop (PhD Program in Art History, The Graduate Center, CUNY), moderated by Frank Hentschker (Executive Director, Martin E. Segal Theatre Center, The Graduate Center, CUNY).
