Blue Laws: poetry music and improvisation with Kevin Young

Thu, Sep 24, 2015

7:00 PM

Elebash Recital Hall

Join us for the first installment of Culture Reinvents Itself: Conversations with Greil Marcus for an evening of conversation between acclaimed poet Kevin Young (Creative Writing and English, Emory University) and author Greil Marcus (Music, The Graduate Center, CUNY).

Kevin Young is curator of Literary Collections and Raymond Danowski Poetry Library at Emory University. His books include Jelly Roll: A Blues (2003), For the Confederate Dead (2007), Book of Hours (2014), and the forthcoming Blue Laws: Selected & Uncollected Poems 1995-2015. As an editor he has produced works as disparate as The Collected Poems of Lucille Clifton, 1965-2010 and the back-pocket marvel Blues PoemsThe Grey Album: On the Blackness of Blackness (2012), which fuses memoir, fantasy, and scholarship into a manifesto that has many lives behind it and a life of its own to live.

Greil Marcus is the author of Mystery Train (1975), Lipstick Traces (1989), and other books, including, this fall, Three Songs, Three Singers, Three Nations (Harvard) and Real Life Rock (Yale).

Cosponsored by the Academy of American Poets; Cave Canem; Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative; the Ph.D. Program in Music, The Graduate Center, CUNY; The Poetry Foundation.


Music Poetry Literature