The AfroLatin@ Forum is pleased to present Afro-Latin@s Now: Race Counts!, a three-day international conference to be held October 23–25, 2014, in New York City. This gathering will provide a unique opportunity to examine the structural and ideological barriers to full Afro-Latin@ representation and discuss opportunities for positive social change.
Throughout the Americas, Afro-Latin@s are subject to severe systemic invisibility at all levels of society, in public and private institutions and agencies as well as in the general discourse on race and ethnicity. In Latin America, African descendants are well over a third of the total population and 50% of those living in poverty. In the U.S., where “Black” and “Latin@” are commonly represented as being mutually exclusive, less than 3% of all Latin@s identify as racially Black. This glaring disconnect between lived experience and formal documentation has resulted in vastly unequal access to healthcare, education, housing, employment, and political representation for millions of Latinos and Latinas of African descent.
Afro-Latin@s Now: Race Counts! will provide a unique opportunity for us to examine and discuss the structural and ideological barriers to full Afro-Latin@ identity, visibility and representation. By consolidating networks, advancing common educational and advocacy agendas and charting out strategies for future collaborative work we will identify opportunities for positive social change and racial justice.
Registration is required. Visit the AfroLatin@ Forum website for registration, the full program and conference details: www.afrolatinoforum.org.
Follow the conference on Social Media #RaceCounts2014
Conference Schedule
Thursday, October 23rd, 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
Plenary Conference Opening: Race Counts!
- Khalil Gibran Muhammad, Director, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
- Miriam Jiménez Román, Director, afrolatin@ forum
- Juan Flores, Chair, afrolatin@ forum
Round-table Discussion
- Pedro Noguera, New York University
- Tanya K. Hernández, Fordham University School of Law
- Thomas LaVeist, professor of Public Heath and Director, Center for Health Disparities Solutions at Johns Hopkins University
- Tianna Paschel, assistant professor of political science, University of Chicago
- Rolando Roebuck, community activist, Washington, DC
Cultural Presentation
Friday, October 24th, 9:00am – 6:30pm
Graduate Center, City University of New York Concourse Level
- Arrival and registration
9:15am – 10:45am Concurrent Workshops
- In and Out of Focus: Media and AfroLatin@ Representation
- AfroLatin@s in the Classroom: Youth, Education and Culture
11:00am – 12:30pm Concurrent Workshops
- Looking Suspicious: The Racialization of Crime
- Taking Measures: AfroLatin@s and Economic Inequities
12:30pm – 1:30pm
- Lunch
1:30pm – 3:00pm Concurrent Workshops
- ¿Y nosotros qué?: Acknowledging the AfroLatin@ Immigrant
- AfroLatin@s and Health Disparities: When Both Race and Ethnicity Matter
3:00pm – 3:30pm
- Break
3:30pm – 5:00pm
- Plenary: Connecting Stories: The Practice of Racial Dialogues
5:15pm – 6:45pm
- Closing Plenary: Identity, Visibility and Representation: The Role of the Census
Saturday, October 25th, 1:00pm – 6:00pm
El Museo del Barrio
1:00- 2:30 pm
- Panel: Recounting the Afrolatin@ Artist Experience – Past, Present, & Future
- Workshops
- Performance
4:30- 5:30
- Reception
The conference is generously supported by grants from the New York Council for the Humanities and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and Co-Sponsored by the Advanced Research Collaborative (ARC), Institute for the study of the African Diaspora and the Caribbean (IRADAC), and the Dominican Studies Group at the Graduate Center
Related Events
Conversation & Reading
Boat People: A Conversation with Mayra Santos-Febres and Vanessa Pérez-Rosario

Panel Discussion
Reimagining the Black Archive: From Samaná to the Americas

Conversation & Screening
Voices of the Unheard: The Afro Latinx Experiences

Imperialism and Latin America: Land Grabbing of Garífuna Communities

The Political Biography of the Caribbean & Other Lessons: A Symposium in Honor of Colin A. Palmer

Panel Discussion
New Approaches on the Study of Race in Puerto Rico

Art, Race, and Fluidity in Dominican Republic and Haiti