Activism in AcademiaIII is an interdisciplinary, one-day symposium organized to initiate a larger conversation between CUNY and non-CUNY faculty and students about the value of apolitical and political work in the university as it relates to activism within underrepresented communities. How do we incorporate activism in our classrooms, on our campuses, and in our scholarship? Faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates will engage in discussion and debate through various panels and performances. This year’s panels focus on the #MeToo Movement, Mexico and border control controversy, as well as decolonizing the academy through Twitter and social media collectives.
#ActivisminAcademia #CUNYactivism #LehmanEnglish
10:30 am – 12:00 pm: Social Justice through Image, Movement, and Melody
Wendell Cooper, CUNY-Lehman: “Polyrhythmic Disidentifications”
Jennifer Rhodes, Columbia University: “Give Her Black Eyes: Violence and the Opera Subtitle”
Marco Ramírez Rojas, CUNY-Lehman: “Adelitas: Women Warriors of the Mexican Revolution”
Mario Moore, Princeton Lewis Center for the Arts: “Black Men and the Fleeting Pursuit of Relaxation”
12:00-12:30 pm: Lunch Reception
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm: Diversifying and Decolonizing the Professoriate
Afrodesia McCannon, New York University: “#MoC: Medievalists of Color”
Manu Samriti Chander, Rutgers-Newark, “#Bigger6: Coteries and Collectives”
Eugenia Zuroski, McMaster University: “#BIPOC18 and the Undercommons of Enlightenment”
Devin Griffiths, University of Southern California: “The Ecology of Memes”
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm: Perspectives from the Pipeline – Student Roundtable Discussion
Javiera Morales-Reyes, Transatlantic studies
Jennifer Chang, African and African-American studies
Sharon Lee, Asian and Asian American studies
Ashley Davis, Contemporary and Fan Fiction studies
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm: #MeToo Evolving
Julie Goldscheid, CUNY Law School: “Sexual assault at the Border: Holding the federal government accountable”
Vani Kannan, CUNY-Lehman: “Sexual assault at the Border: Holding the federal government accountable”
Johanna Folk, University of California, San Francisco: “Why Do Professors Who Have Sexually Assaulted Trainees Still Get NIH Training Grants? And Other Important Questions”
Co-panelists: Alexis Martinez and Shyrlene Hernandez
Manu Samriti Chander,Associate Professor of English, Rutgers University-Newark
Wendell Cooper, Lecturer, Department of Music, Theatre & Dance, Lehman College
Johanna Folk, Post Doctoral Fellow, University of California-San Francisco
Julie Goldscheid, Professor of Law, CUNY School of Law
Devin Griffiths, Associate Professor of English, University of Southern California
Vani Kannan, Assistant Professor of English, Lehman College
Makeba Lavan, Doctoral Candidate, CUNY Graduate Center
Afrodesia McCannon, Assistant Professor of Liberal Studies, New York University
Olivia Loksing Moy, Assistant Professor of English, Lehman College
Mario Moore, Hodder Fellow, Princeton Lewis Center for the Arts
Jennifer Rhodes, Lecturer in Literature Humanities, Columbia University
Marco Ramírez Rojas, Assistant Professor of Spanish, Lehman College
Eugenia Zuroski, Associate Professor of English and Cultural Studies, McMaster University
Dhipinder Walia, Lecturer in English, Lehman College
Ashely N. Davis, Student Panelist, Lehman College
Jennifer Chang, Student Panelist, Lehman College
Sharon Lee, Student Panelist, Lehman College
Javiera Morales-Reyes, Student Panelist, Lehman College
Hardik Yadav, Student Panelist, Lehman College
Click here for bios and more info about the speakers and the symposium.
Co-sponsored by the Center for the Humanities, and the PublicsLab at the Graduate Center, CUNY, the Lehman College Department of English, and the Lehman College City and Humanities Program, and the CUNY School of Law.
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