
Topics of focus include Accessibility Affect / Cognition Ambassador of Technology, Art and Healthcare Archives Art Civic Tech Assistant Climate Action Lab Fellow Climate Justice Climate Justice Hub Student Fellow Community College Archival Research Fellow Community Partner Cross-CUNY Curriculum Coordinator CUNY Communications Coordinator CUNY Cross-Curriculum Coordinator CUNY Research Coordinator Curricular Fellow debt Diane di Prima Fellow Diaspora / Migration Diasporican Archives Summer Fellow Digital Culture Digital Fellow Digital Humanities Designer Digital Humanities Designer for Mapping Civic Engagement Digital Publics Fellow Economics / Labor Environment Faculty Co-Leader Faculty coleader Faculty Leader Fellow Fellow Type film Food Justice Freshkills Park Reclaimed Lands Conference Planning Fellow Gender Guest Speaker Health History igital Humanities Designer Keynote Speaker Legacy Fieldwork Fellow Legacy Fieldwork Fellows Literarture Literature Lost & Found Archival Research Fellow Lost & Found Archival Research Fellows Lost & Found Faculty Editor Medical Humanities Meditation Teacher Mindcapes Mindscapes Mindscapes Research Assistant Moving Image Music NYC Climate Justice Hub CUNY Coordinator NYC Climate Justice Hub CUNY Project Manager NYC Climate Justice Hub Evaluation Lead NYC Climate Justice Hub NYC-EJA Coordinator NYC-EJA Deputy Director NYC-EJA Executive Director Pedagogy Performance Poetry Poetry / Literature Poets House Special Collections Research and Writing Fellow Politics Postcolonialism Presidential Research Fellow for The James Gallery PS2 Public Research Fellow Public Humanities Fellow Public Scholarship Public Space Race / Ethnicity Religion Research Assistant Research Fellow Science Sexuality Social Justice / Activism Teaching Fellow Theater Fellow Theatre Theatre Documentarian Theory / Philosophy Translation Urban Farming Urbanism / Public Space Violence / War Writer in Residence Y.E.S. Project Director Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S) Intern