The Center for the Humanities and Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative is pleased to announce a workshop with Chris Kraus on Writing Biography offered to doctoral students at the Graduate Center, CUNY.
Kraus will discuss her process in researching and writing After Kathy Acker, her new biography on the life, myth, and influence of avant-garde artist, writer, and counter-cultural heroine Kathy Acker. There will be opportunity for participants to describe and discuss their ongoing work as well as suggested readings: Somebody Else: Rimbaud in Africa by Charles Nicholson; and David Wojnarowicz:A Definitive History of Five or Six Years on the Lower East Side, ed. by Sylvere Lotringer, Chris Kraus, Hedi El Kholti.
Kraus writes: “This class will discuss strategies for writing biography, and intentions behind them. Biography is a form of fiction, channeling not just the subject but eras involved … a literary friction between present and past.”
Workshop Details
Date, Time, and Location: Friday, September 22nd from 2pm to 4p at the Graduate Center, CUNY.
Course cap: 12 Students.
*Please be advised that we will cap applications at 30, so if you hope to apply please do so early.
Who is Eligible: Doctoral students at the Graduate Center, CUNY.
To Apply: fill out this google application form.
*Please be advised that space is extremely limited; priority will be given to those whose scholarship and practice is rooted in writing and researching biography.
Application Deadline: Friday, September 8th, 2017, 11:59 pm.
Suggested readings: Somebody Else: Rimbaud in Africa by Charles Nicholson; David Wojnarowicz: A Definitive History of Five or Six Years on the Lower East Side, ed. by Sylvere Lotringer, Chris Kraus, Hedi El Kholti
Instructor Bio: Chris Kraus is the author of the bestselling I Love Dick, ‘the most important book written about men and women in the last century’ (Guardian), as well as Aliens and Anorexia; Torpor; Summer of Hate and two books of cultural criticism. She was a 2016 Guggenheim Fellow and teaches writing at European Graduate School. Kraus is a co-editor, with Hedi El Kholti and Sylvere Lotringer, of Semiotexte and lives in Los Angeles.
Co-sponsored by Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Initiative.
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