The Center for the Humanities at The Graduate Center, CUNY is pleased to announce the following research fellowship opportunity from The Puerto Rico Syllabus supported as part of our Seminar for Public Engagement and Collaborative Research.
The Puerto Rico Syllabus is a collaborative digital resource that uses social scholarship to engage multiple audiences (in both English and Spanish) with critical information about Puerto Rico’s fiscal, economic, social, and environmental crises. The selected research fellow will help revise, update, and maintain the current site and integrate new sources. We welcome candidates with knowledge of digital tools as well as an interest in Puerto Rican culture, history and politics.
Application Deadline: August 12th, 2021
About the Puerto Rico Syllabus:
The Puerto Rico Syllabus began as a hashtag campaign to address topics related to Puerto Rico’s deepening debt crisis. Given that public debt is often discussed in narrow economistic terms, the Syllabus sought to emphasize humanities-based approaches in order to historicize the debt crisis, place it in a larger framework of colonial relationships, and emphasize raced and gendered experiences of indebtedness and austerity. Over time the project has morphed from a hashtag campaign into a public syllabus and social media platforms that provide resources to numerous students, scholars, journalists, artists, and activists seeking reliable tools to make sense of the present-day challenges and the complicated history of this US territory—particularly in the wake of two devastating hurricanes in 2017.
Responsibilities of selected researcher:
-Study the Puerto Rico Syllabus to get a sense of its scope.
-Review, collect, and suggest new resources to add to the site.
-Regularly monitor emerging news, investigations, and search for critical sources (both primary and secondary sources) that could complement our current content.
-Participate in regular meetings with the Puerto Rico Syllabus team to develop and implement updates.
Project Timeline:
2021 Fall Semester: September-December.
Time commitment/ Stipend:
The stipend covers 3 months of work, at an average of 8 hours per week, 25$ dollars an hour. September 10th- December 10th.
Undergraduate or graduate students in the humanities or humanities-related social sciences.
*If you are CUNY student, before applying, please contact the office of financial aid at your campus to ensure that you are eligible to receive a non-tuition fellowship, without it adversely impacting your existing financial aid package. In your email to them, please include the fellowship amount, the semester you would receive it, and your EMPL ID, which you can find in CUNYFirst under Student Center.
How to Apply:
Click here to fill out the application form:https://docs.google.com/forms/…


Yarimar Bonilla
Faculty Leader

Puerto Rico Syllabus
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