
Our community includes students, faculty, and extramural partners–individuals, organizations, and foundations–working together to deepen humanities impact in the expanded field. 

The Center fosters a community of practice. Those communities of practice coauthor public scholarship. Public scholarship promotes social flourishing within and beyond the university.

From the Fall ‘Listening With Radical Empathy’ gathering, December 2018. 


The Center funds and supports a wide range of student and faculty fellows at the CUNY Graduate Center and across CUNY. Fellows receive funds to develop innovative projects, advance research, build professional skills, collaborate with community partners, and provide a platform for public scholarship, bridging humanities research and teaching with public engagement both inside and outside of the academy.

Community Partners

With roughly 80% of CUNY students coming from New York City high schools, and 80% of CUNY graduates remaining in New York City to live, work, and lead in virtually all sectors of city governance and management, CUNY communities are NYC communities.

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Through its public programs, seminars, conferences, publications and exhibitions, the Center for the Humanities brings CUNY students and faculty from various disciplines into dialogue with each other and prominent writers, artists, scholars, and civic leaders from around the world.

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The Center for the Humanities is reliant on private, foundation, and individual gifts to augment resources allocated by CUNY. 

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