2020 CUNY Adjunct Incubator Projects

February 3, 2020

“The CUNY Adjunct Incubator Projects are striking in their depth, and in how they combine traditionally siloed bodies of knowledge in community-engaged, action-oriented scholarship. Many of these projects have implications for pedagogy as well as critical public scholarship. They hint at some of the essential intellectual work being done by CUNY’s Adjunct Lecturers, under unjust labor conditions.”

Celina Su, Marilyn J. Gittell Chair in Urban Studies at The Graduate Center, CUNY and Associate Professor of Political Science at Brooklyn College

“Although these fellowships cannot change the structural conditions in which adjunct labor is devalued, recipients of the CUNY Adjunct Incubator fellowships have expressed to me how important it has been to be recognized, and to have the support they need to pursue their research under such conditions.”

Mary Taylor, Assistant Director of The Center for Place, Culture and Politics at The Graduate Center, CUNY