Colette Daiute
Colette Daiute is Professor at the Graduate Center, CUNY in the Ph.D. Programs in Psychology, Urban Education, Educational Psychology, and the Masters program in Child and Youth Studies. Dr. Daiute was a professor at Harvard University before joining the Graduate Center faculty. Colette Daiute does research on human development as the interaction of individuals and society in rapidly changing and challenging contexts. She focuses on cultural tools like writing, digital storytelling, schooling, and community organizing in that process. Daiute’s book publications include Narrative Inquiry: A Dynamic Approach (Sage, 2014) and Human Development and Political Violence (Cambridge University Press, 2010)
Daiute has also worked as a faculty coleader in the Narrating Change, Changing Narratives research group of the 2014-2016 Seminar on Public Engagement and Collaborative Research.