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How do forms of militarization and their related political technologies control human environments in implicit and explicit ways? How does the environmental movement and its concerns shape global governance? We will look at the Architecture Machine Group at MIT, the exhibition Software held at The Jewish Museum in 1970, and the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment—aka the Stockholm Conference—as keys to understanding “environmentality,” wherein techno-scientific expertise and environmental concerns play into the service of biopolitical forms of global governance—of populations, of resources, of “nature”—in the name of economic and territorial security. Join scholars, architects, writers and curators Felicity D. Scott, Keller Easterling, and Mark Wasiuta for this important and timely discussion. The conversation will be moderated by Chelsea Haines, Presidential Research Fellow, The Center for the Humanities.
Cosponsored by Zone Books and Verso Books.
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